Use of Medication in Prepping

Prepping can include storing food, water, and other essential supplies, learning survival skills, and securing a safe shelter. However, when it comes to preparing for potential medical emergencies, many preppers wonder if medication is a valuable addition to their prepping arsenal. In this blog post, we'll explore the use of medication in prepping, including the benefits, risks, and best practices. 

Why Use Medication in Prepping? 

In an emergency or disaster, access to medical care may be limited or non-existent. This means that having access to medication could be lifesaving, especially if you have a chronic medical condition or require specific medications. In addition, medication can also help manage common health issues that may arise in a survival situation, such as pain, fever, and infections.

However, it's important to note that medication should not be relied on as the sole solution for medical emergencies. Preppers should also learn basic first aid skills and have a medical kit with essential supplies such as bandages, antiseptics, and wound dressings.

Types of Medication to Consider 

When it comes to medication for prepping, it's essential to prioritize medications that are critical to your health or that can treat common medical issues. Here are some examples of medications to consider:

Risks of Medication in Prepping

While having medication on hand can be beneficial, it's essential to understand the risks associated with storing and using medication in a survival situation. Here are some risks to consider:

Best Practices For Using Medication in Prepping

To minimize the risks associated with using medication in prepping, here are some best practices to follow:


In conclusion, the use of medication in prepping can be beneficial in a survival situation, keeping in mind the above risk involved in medication.

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